We all know or at least perceive that Corporate Worship itself invites the presence of God to dwell among us and the congregation, and when He comes, He establishes His Will and Kingdom Purpose amongst those that will receive it, but what is the process that brings that about. As a worship leader, I have been appointed
to lead a congregation into that presence. But in my years of leadership I have often asked the question. What are we cultivating or facilitating by our leading. Are we participating in the process of rendering the hearts of men and women to receive the seed of His word to be planted in their hearts or are we there to sing and make a beautiful sounds that evokes an emotional response.
If our goal is to actually do the work we must role up our sleeves and actually till the ground. I must tend to my own spiritual garden – my minstrels and my worship team. These devoted servants have been placed in my charge and it is an honor to lead them. But I also have been charged to serve them, to care for them, to pastor them and to “shamar” (Hebrew) or to guard over them.
Isaiah 61:11 says this:
“For as the earth brings forth its bud, as the garden causes the things that are sown in it to spring forth,
So the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations.”
To tend to our gardens, we must have first tilled the ground. To till means to break up hard soil, to plow
and prepare it for seed.
Just like there are tools to use in a physical garden, there are tools that we are
to use to prepare the garden that God has given us.
What tools have you used to till your garden, to prepare it for the harvest?
Are you bathing your team with the Word of God?
Are you building authentic relationships with them?
Are you praying for each one?
In respect to their individual creative talents,
are you assisting them with further continuing education and development?
All of these questions are questions we should pause and ask ourselves as an evaluation of our own leadership.
It is our responsibility as leaders to feed and fertilize "our gardens" for the benefit of the Kingdom so that righteousness and praise will spring forth before all the nations. By preparing myself and team and consistently sowing into my garden, The Kingdom will reap the harvest. It should be one of the top priorities of a worship leader outside of bringing glory and honor to God.
“Worship creates the atmosphere of Heaven. When you cultivate the atmosphere of Heaven, you create the culture of Heaven on Earth.”
- David Binion
It is my prayer that you cultivate the atmosphere of worship in your local assembly by tending to your garden. I believe that the Lord our God will honor you and reward your ministry richly.
Lisa Basnight is a Principle Worship Leader and Songwriter at The Worship Culture Network. She also serves as Minister of Music at Living Life Worship Center in Atlanta GA. Lisa is an accomplished vocalist, songwriter, author, wife and mother to 5 children.